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Benefits Compare Selections

This feature provides an ability to compare employees' current benefits plans selection against a previous benefit period's or date-range's plan selection.

Enable check number validation

This feature enables a new parameter "Allow check number validation" in cash and bank management to validate check number when user generates payment.

Benefits bulk update form redesign

This feature provides a new version of Benefits bulk update form. You can quickly apply filters and groupings to take bulk actions on selected records.

Assign shipments to related route segments

This feature enables the system to apportion shipment freight costs more accurately, including for loads with multiple shipments delivered to various segment destinations along a single route.

Enable extended Project budget scenarios.

With this feature enabled, if a budget adjustment is performed for an existing transaction, it will impact the budget line for which the transaction was allocated to, regardless of any posterior bu

Hide leave balances

This feature enables admins to restrict workers from seeing the leave balance of a particular leave type.

Encumbrance reconciliation

Enable the Encumbrance reconciliation inquiry. This inquiry can be used to identify data issues between Trial balance and Budget analysis data.

Open ended leave

Enabling this feature allows organizations to manage Leave of Absence (LOA).

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