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Modern bank reconciliation

This feature redesigns advanced bank reconciliation including usability improvements, feature enhancements and performance improvements.

Vendor summary

This feature provides the ability to view vendor summary on the vendor table page. The summary is generated by AI.

Product details summary

This feature provides the ability to view product summary on the details page of a released product. The summary is generated by AI.

Customer page summary

This feature displays an AI-generated summary for the customer data using customer invoices, customer payments, sales orders, sales agreements, rebates, overdue invoices, delayed order lines, etc.

Custom search on customer form

Enabling this feature will turn on the capability to have custom search filters like Telephone and Email Address on the customer form.

Batch CTP

This feature adds a new delivery date control type called “Batch CTP”, which provides confirmed delivery dates for sales order lines when the current dynamic master plan is run.

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