Vendor account rename data maintenance
This features enable the data maintenance form for fixing the out of sync records happened due to renaming of vendor account
This features enable the data maintenance form for fixing the out of sync records happened due to renaming of vendor account
This feature enables the "Merge payment schedule" button on customer/vendor settlement transaction pages.
This feature can prevent users from combining bill-back rebates for multiple customer accounts into a single credit-note transaction credited to one customer account.
This feature updates the data model for the product bundles feature.
Enabling this feature will improve the performance of the billing rules based invoice proposal creation process by identifying subprojects with invoiceable transactions prior to executing complex q
This feature enables workers to use the production floor execution interface to adjust material consumption, batch and serial numbers, and license plates.
Workers reporting job progress from the production floor execution interface can now select the desired status on multiple jobs in the report progress list view.
The feature allows you to complete and deploy globalization features versions with a single action.
This feature streamlines the process for workers to register for indirect activities through the production floor execution interface.
When the feature is enabled, tax exempt number validation will not occur on the 'Create customer' dialog.
If the AP parameter "Display invoice total on pending vendor invoice list" is enabled, "Invoice total" column will be displayed in the vendor invoice list page.
Supervisors can now conduct inventory availability checks for the necessary spare parts of a designated range of work orders directly from the work order list and details page.
This feature provides additional capabilities to mark all bank transactions as cleared, and unmark all bank transactions in account reconciliation.
Include invoiced and delivered orders during supply and demand forecast reduction for planning optimization. Invoiced demand accounts for picked, packed and invoiced issues.
Enable Progress billing on Project Operations for resource based/non-stocked scenarios.
This feature enables prepayment option and posting profile when generating customer payment journal and vendor payment journal from bank reconciliation worksheet.
This feature enables users to adjust project dates during the project adjustment process.
The customer invoice archival feature allows users to archive posted free text invoices and sales order invoices in the given closed/on-hold fiscal period range.
This feature allows the definition of rules for various transactions to automatically set the default value of Financial tags.
Enables Copilot and Generative Help and Guidance to generate a list of likely follow-up questions which it displays as a list of clickable items.
This feature allows you to integrate Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management with an external contract lifecycle management (CLM) system.
This feature enables the item number renaming. It finds all relevant records across the system that need to be updated with the new item number value.
Enabling this feature provides an advanced filtering option for the Accounting Source Explorer, including a convenient date range selection.
When enabling this feature, an organization can now import financial tag values for free text invoice documents.
This feature adds additional setup option for validation of batch expiration dates a when reserving a batch of raw material to be used during production.
Supervisors can now configure how the work order start date should be defaulted when changing the work order state.
This feature enables the automatic synchronization of sales quotation and sales order line data (including line price and discount) from Supply Chain Management to Dynamics 365 Sales, when the line
Supervisors can now change the asset type for one or more selected assets from a new function on the toolbar in the All assets list page.
This feature improves the performance when posting free text invoices by creating the accounting distributions separately from the free text invoice posting process.
This feature enables default descriptions for automatic payment journal posting and voucher posting in advanced bank reconciliation.