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Feature Details

Module: Tax
First Available In 10.0.38
Find out more at State: Can Be Disabled:

Content Author Info

Created By Nathan Clouse
Created On 2023-12-31
Updated By Nathan Clouse
Update On 2024-01-12

Enable Settlement period for Italian Yearly tax communication feature introduces new reference to the Sales tax settlement period in Yearly tax communication table. This makes it possible to create a Yearly tax communication with same ATECOFIN code and year for different Sales tax settlement periods and report Yearly tax communication separately for different (multiple) Sales tax settlement periods. When you enable the feature, the new tables are used as data sources for Yearly tax communication and data from old data sources TaxYearlyCom_IT, TaxYearlyComReport_IT is populated in the new tables TaxYearlyComV2_IT, TaxYearlyComReportV2_IT. If new tables already contain records with same values in Years and ATECOFIN code fields, these records in the new tables will NOT be replaced with data from old tables.