Vendor account rename data maintenance
This features enable the data maintenance form for fixing the out of sync records happened due to renaming of vendor account
This features enable the data maintenance form for fixing the out of sync records happened due to renaming of vendor account
If the AP parameter "Display invoice total on pending vendor invoice list" is enabled, "Invoice total" column will be displayed in the vendor invoice list page.
This feature enables the setting and sending of application responses to pending vendor invoices.
Enable this feature allows user to enter and post invoice numbers exceed 20 characters for vendor invoice.
This feature will allow the pending vendor invoice posting from pending invoice list page to split the distribution process into a separate process.
This feature will split the pending vendor invoice posting process into two processes to achieve overall performance improvement and relieve memory pressure during the process.
This feature adds a new parameters on vendor parametrs form, that will set IBAN and SWIFT fields as mandatory.
This feature empowers AP clerks to create and manage recurring vendor invoice templates, with the definition of the invoice details such as items, charges, posting profile, sales tax and accounting
After partially invoicing a purchase order user will be able to cancel quantity not yet arrived, registered, or received on the order.
This parameter determines whether an approver is required or not in the vendor invoice register while posting
Vendor invoice automation with tax registration
The feature enables the capability to receive the invoice from Invoice capture to Dynamics 365 Finance.
This feature provides a new way to execute the vendor aging data storage in cases where the existing Vendor aging report times out because the report has too much data to print.
This feature provides the ability to include the manually created invoices in the automated product receipt matching and automated workflow submission jobs.
This feature gives you the option to enable change proposal and workflow approval process for vendor bank accounts.
This feature enhances the existing vendor transaction table to persist the posted main accounts.
The total invoice matching feature can now be applied to the details of the total invoice amount.
This feature provides a new vendor balance list report which correctly reflects vendor balance after main accounts are change in the vendor posting profile.
This feature lets you generate several open payment transactions for invoice journal, if payment schedule assigned to invoice journal.
By enabling this feature a customer disables matching purchase invoice quantity with Bill of entry quantity upon invoice creation in cases when that invoice was created from Bill of Entry.
This feature lets you update Invoice quantities so that they match the value in the Product receipt quantity to match field, for invoices that are in workflow.
This feature updates the process for changing the value in the 1099 box on vendor records and the process for updating transactions with the 1099 box information for multiple vendors in a single st
Public sector - This feature lets you associate the 1099 values for a vendor by the main account in the accounting distribution, rather than the default account on the vendor record.