When this feature is enabled, it provides additional performance gain on budget register entries form by splitting the entries into 2 separate pages of Completed and Draft status.
Enable the Encumbrance reconciliation inquiry. This inquiry can be used to identify data issues between Trial balance and Budget analysis data.
This feature introduces the ability to view historical changes of the budget control configuration.
This features enables to reverse preliminary budget with today's date.
This feature enables a group by Main account type or Amount type selection option in the Actual vs budget report.
This feature introduces the ability to specify which budget control documents are budget checked by providing a query based filter option for each document included in budget control.
This feature lets you reduce the carry-forward budget when an invoice is reduced. Reductions include price variances, charge variances, and tax variances.
This feature properly accounts for the date range when calculating the relieving amounts for budget funds available and budget reservations on the budget control statistics page.
This feature lets you view the documents with an open status that relieve general budget reservations. A new drop down list lets users switch between viewing open and posted documents.