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Feature Details

Module: Sales and marketing
First Available In 10.0.38
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Content Author Info

Created By Nathan Clouse
Created On 2023-12-31
Updated By Nathan Clouse
Update On 2024-01-12

When integrated with Dynamics 365 Sales, this feature enables Supply Chain Management to calculate and push line prices, discounts, charges, taxes and totals for a single sales order and sales quotation to Dynamics 365 Sales. A new menu item is introduced on the sales order and sales quotation list and details pages, that when pressed, will enable the calculation and push to Dynamics 365 Sales. The feature adds two new pages to complement the existing "Calculate sales totals" page: "Calculate sales order totals for Sales" and "Calculate sales quotation totals for Sales". Each page adds the ability to specify a range of sales orders or sales quotations to be considered by the calculation. This feature adds a parameter to the "Accounts receivable parameters" page, which lets you turn the functionality on or off.