VAT statement format reports.
This feature enables the setup and generation of VAT statements reports by using electronic reporting formats.
Validate Finance insights configuration
Use faster API for containers closing/reopening on packing station
When this feature enabled inventory transactions related to containers are created using new lite weight process to improve performance of closing or reopening containers during manual packing stat
Translation support for organization views
This feature, which is dependent on the Saved views feature, allows users to specify translations for organization view names and descriptions so that users see that content in their current langua
This feature enables multi-threading when creating collection letters in batch
Enabling this feature speeds up the creation of collection letters by running the process multithreaded.
Tax Calculation Service
Tax Calculation is a hyper-scalable multi-tenant service that enables the global tax engine to automate and simplify the tax determination and calculation process.
Support multiple VAT registration numbers
This functionality provides a possibility to set up tax registration numbers of a legal entity and its customers and vendors in different EU Member States and post and settle taxes per registration
Slot mixed units
Allows the system to slot items into locations that include mixed units (such as both boxes and cases).
Show full serial, batch, and license plate numbers in the production floor execution interface
This feature provides an improved experience for viewing lists of serial, batch, and license plate numbers in the production floor execution interface.
Sales quotation referenced data export policy
This feature lets you choose whether changes to data referenced by quotations will cause those quotations (or lines) to be included in the next incremental export.
Sales order referenced data export policy
The feature enables a parameter under Accounts receivable parameters/General/Data entity export setup: Skip referenced data during change tracking.
Sales tax declaration for multiple VAT registrations
Feature allows you to set up Sales tax (VAT) declaration format in each of the country where you have VAT registration and print Sales tax (VAT) declaration for the selected VAT Id.
Saved Views for Sales and Marketing
This feature adds a set of four customizable saved views for commonly used pages in the sales and marketing module. It provides saved views for:
Scan GS1 barcodes
Enables the Warehouse Management mobile app to scan GS1 barcodes
Sealed bidding for RFQs
This feature is not available for China and US Government clouds. Promote fair procurement practices by implementing sealed bidding on your requests for quotation (RFQs).
Post Project Operations integration journal using multiple batch tasks
Use parallel processing through multiple batch tasks to post Project Operations integration journal. Parallel processing will improve the performance when posting large volume of lines.
Prevent multiple depreciation in same period
This feature lets you prevent depreciation from being posted to a period that depreciation has already been posted to.
Prevents multiple executing Workflow message processing batch jobs.
Prevents multiple executing Workflow message processing batch jobs.
Recalculate estimated customer balance
This feature lets you choose whether the system should automatically recalculate the estimated customer balance each time a sales order is created or updated using oData.
Performance improvements for VAT register transactions form
This feature enables the performance improvement of the VAT register transactions form by removing the temp table and loading data directly from the physical table.
NF-e custom certificate validation
Enables custom certificate validation for communication with NF-e web services for MG and PR states. It's temporary solution to avoid problems with establishing TLS connection.
Include narrative fields when copying a budget plan
Intrastat reporting for multiple VAT registrations
Feature allows you to transfer Intra-community dispatches and arrivals to Intrastat journal for several VAT registrations that you have in EU counties from a single legal entity.
Inventory closing progress details
Make Project Hour journals read-only if current approval status doesn't allow editing.
Full page apps
This feature, which depends on the Saved views feature, allows Power Apps and third-party apps to be added as full-page experiences via the dashboard.
EU Sales list reporting for multiple VAT registrations
Feature allows you to transfer EU sales and purchases to EU Sales list journal for several VAT registrations that you have in EU counties from a single legal entity.
Enable Russian simplified customer address format
This feature provides a possibility to enable the Russian address format in a simplified way for retail customers. The simplified format is introduced in POS and Commerce headquarters.
Dimension attributes values collection optimization in ‘MasterFiles’ report section of SAF-T for Norway
This feature enables the set-based collection of dimension attribute values for ‘MasterFiles’ report section in SAF-T report, that improves its performance and makes ‘Analysis’ fields from ‘MasterF