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Visual update for wizards

This feature modernizes the visual appearance of wizard pages in Finance and Operations apps and more closely aligns the user experience to wizards in other Dynamics 365 products.

Variant suggestions page improvements

This feature improves the performance and usability of the Variant suggestions page when you have a high number of dimension combinations from which to create variants.

Override default production reservation

This feature enables you to set a default reservation principle for each item model group, which means that you can have different reservation principles applied automatically for each item that is

Open payment journal from Checks page

When enabled, a menu item called Payment journal, will be added to the Checks page. The new item lets you open the payment journal from the Checks page in one click.

Electronic Invoicing integration

This feature allows you to enable integration between this application and Electronic Invoicing, to extend existing and use new capabilities listed below but not limited to: - transformation of bus

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