Variant suggestions page improvements
This feature improves the performance and usability of the Variant suggestions page when you have a high number of dimension combinations from which to create variants.
Use RDP-based model mapping for the Free Text Invoice report
The feature enables using Report Data Provider based model mapping for Free Text Invoice reports when Invoice Model Mapping is loaded.
Use free text invoice language for expanded country description
On the free text invoice report, determine the expanded country description from the language set on the free text invoice's header
Update Requested receipt date with Confirmed date for intercompany orders
Set the ER advanced formula editor as the default one for all users
Enable this feature to set the Electronic reporting (ER) advanced formula editor as the default editor for all users to configure ER expressions.
Saved views for production control
This feature provides a collection of simplified views for production control.
Sales order details performance enhancement
This feature improves performance when opening sales order details.
Planned order firming with filtering
Override default production reservation
This feature enables you to set a default reservation principle for each item model group, which means that you can have different reservation principles applied automatically for each item that is
Organization-wide "Schedule work creation" wave method
Open payment journal from Checks page
Maintain vendor bank information using vendor collaboration workspace
Inherit Empty tax base for outgoing tax flag in all sales tax transactions for vendor invoice journal with multiple lines when reverse charge rules are applied
Infinite capacity scheduling for Planning Optimization
Enable lookup for sales quotation document introduction and document conclusion fields
This feature enables a new lookup functionality for the document introduction and document conclusion fields on the sales quotation form. This feature is by default enabled.
Enable new transaction Id to avoid duplicate transaction Ids
By enabling this feature, the system will use a new format for generating the transaction Id, which will ensure that each transaction gets a unique identifier.
Enable project adjustment to use financial dimensions from original transaction for posting reversing transactions.
This feature will allow you to generate reversing transactions and vouchers using financial dimensions from the original posted transaction during the adjustment posting process.
Enable to make sure posted project transactions have correct invoice status based on contract billing rule setup.
Enabling this feature will fix the wrong invoice status display when there is billing rule configuration change that could incorrectly change the invoice status.
Enable vendor transaction settlement for all remittance addresses
This option lets you settle payments for invoices even if the remittance address on the invoice and payment are different.
Enable generation of a stronger channel reference ID
When this feature is enabled, a stronger, 12 character channel reference ID will be generated for e-commerce orders.
Electronic Invoicing integration
This feature allows you to enable integration between this application and Electronic Invoicing, to extend existing and use new capabilities listed below but not limited to: - transformation of bus
Delete invoice proposal lines when using Project Operations for resource based/ non-stocked scenarios
Enable deleting invoice proposal lines when using Project Operations for resource based/ non-stocked scenarios
Counter-based maintenance enhancements
This feature introduces the following functionality: Option to automatically insert a counter with zero value when creating a new asset.
Apply rules for grouping work orders while running a maintenance plan
This feature lets you establish rules for grouping work order lines under a single work order when the system is set to generate work orders automatically based on a maintenance plan.