Wave batch job details
This feature enables all users who work with waves to inspect the batch jobs and related tasks associated with any wave. This is especially useful for troubleshooting a wave that has failed.
This feature enables all users who work with waves to inspect the batch jobs and related tasks associated with any wave. This is especially useful for troubleshooting a wave that has failed.
Enables the Workflow alternate email address field under User Options > Workflow.
This feature enables the use of jobs for kit configuration approval. Be aware that processing when this is enabled may be delayed until the job has completed.
This feature uses business events and the action center to deliver notifications related to wave execution.
Enables the ability for last note to be passed to subworkflows.
This feature adds settings that apply to the new, redesigned warehouse app. The new settings allow you to view and set default app settings for each specific device model and/or user.
Wave label printing functionality make it more efficient to support labelling of cartons prior palletizing.
Enables workflow message processing to use runtime jobs rather than runtime tasks. The purpose is to prevent Workflow execution from being stuck by a single long running message.
This feature enhances the Commerce capabilities around the usage of certificates in retail stores.
Load building allows the system to automatically assign shipments to existing waves during wave execution, letting users create meaningful loads representing trucks without using the load planning
After posting a write-up adjustment to a fixed asset that applies straight-line service life, the system will extended depreciation periods to keep depreciation expenses consistent across the servi
Enable using unit of measure and unit quantity in inventory journal lines.
This features gives you the option of running the allocateWave method for wave templates in parallel to improve wave processing performance.
This feature enables the generation of zero-amount sales tax (payable or receivable) difference entries in tax transaction table for legal entities located in the Czech Republic (CZE).
This feature lets you print a USMCA certification of origin document. The USMCA certification of origin document contains the minimum data elements required for declaration.
Wave step code feature is removing possibility of spelling mistakes when using wave step codes.
Zone based replenishment is a feature which utilizes min/max replenishment strategy but evaluates entire warehouse zones, if set, instead of just individual locations.
This feature adds information that identifies the vendors, and their remittance name and address, to the Bridged transactions page.
Wave template grouping functionality is like existing Work template grouping behavior, but instead it enables grouping and breaking by functionality already on the Wave template.
The work can be blocked by different reasons which can be viewed from the work form.
New Work lines form offers additional overview of work lines for warehouse management team. The user can switch between showing all work lines or only open work lines for a specific company.
This feature will enable invoicing of maintenance work orders based on related projects.
This feature lets you view the documents with an open status that relieve general budget reservations. A new drop down list lets users switch between viewing open and posted documents.
This feature lets you define when to show a list of all work lines, and allows workers to select which work line to pick next.
The location status feature adds four new fields to the Locations form to track additional information about the current state of the location: · Item number o Item that is currently in th
This feature allows the purchase order item, purchase order line, and load item receiving (and put away) processes to receive goods without creating warehouse work (instead, it can register inbound
Release to warehouse rule introduces new abilities for greater flexibility when releasing to warehouse.